Saturday, December 17, 2011

This Week in Silly Soren

Soren had some very interesting things to say recently. She told me that she didn't want to grow up. When I told her that everyone has to grow up, she said, "But I don't want to have children." I told her she doesn't have to. "I don't want to get married, either." That's fine with Mommy, sweetheart. "Oh. Alright."

A few days later, she brought up the subject again. "Mom, I decided I'll have a baby." Okay, that would make mommy very happy because I would be a grandma. "But I'll only have a baby if it's a trained baby." Trained to do what exactly? "Only if it's trained not to poop in its pants." Well Honey, all babies poop their pants. "Then I don't want one." And I don't blame you.

Yesterday morning as we cuddled in the recliner before all the other kids got up, Soren said, "Tarter sauce!!" (Side note: for those of you who don't know, that's the swear word used on Spongebob). What's up, Boobie?? "I forgot to tell you yesterday that I wanted smokies for lunch." That girl does love her smokies.

She also asked me what "the shits" are. I told her diarrhea, and she laughed (but not until after I had already laughed because she asked me about the shits).

She told me I'm not the boss of anyone that works at a restaurant. Fair enough.

I can't wait to hear what she come sup with next.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I like the way she's thinking through her options.

And surely someone will start marketing those "trained babies"? If so, I'll take one who would let me have a baby but still sleep through the night.