Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bath Night Again

I've found a simple solution to keep Soren occupied in the evenings when she is crabby: put her in the bathtub. First, she takes a bath with Evelyn. They play and make a mess and hopefully no one poops in the tub. Then, she takes a bath with Brody. He washes her and takes care of her. It gives me a chance to clean up supper, but I think Brody is on to my plan. He said, "Why do I have to have a bath every night?!" I told him that he stinks, that's why. Yet another lie I tell him to make my life easier. Like when I tell him the batteries are all gone or only Daddy can fix that so we'll have to wait til he's home.

Dade did his homework while he sat on the crapper today. Nice.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hey, as long as the homework got done.

This post really made me laugh. Motherhood is all about rolling with the punches, isn't it?

And Brody is a little boy so even if he doesn't stink, a little clean won't hurt.

Happy weekend!