Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sleigh Bells Ring, Are You Listening? Sorry - Can't Hear 'Em Over the Yelling

Carols are the stories of Christmas put in tidy words and happy sing-songs. We love to hear Sinatra, Elvis, Dean Martin, and Harry Connick Jr. sing the old holiday favorites. I don't think carols were meant to be the arsenal of sibling rivalry. Take for example Santa Claus is Coming to Town. My children have decided that, "Santa's making a list, he's checking it twice, and you won't be on it!!!!" is great for making your sister mad. I hear choruses of Jingle Bells from Evelyn so much that even Brody has to tell her that, "bells don't ring if you sing about them all the time." They can insert each other's names into songs to make them insulting, i.e. Bro-dog the Red Nosed Reindeer. This, of course, is met with the refrain of, "You're a mean one, Mr. Dade the Grinch." Not all that clever, but still insulting none the less.

So, as you enjoy carols this holiday season, be creative. Think of ways they can be used to either taunt or insult someone you don't like. Or maybe someone you do like but you just have a constant need to start a fight with.

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