Thursday, December 18, 2008

Breakfast: the Most Important Meal of the Day

Here is a description of the breakfast table at our house on a school day: three kids with waffles or cereal in front of them talk nonstop about who has the stinkiest butt while a barely awake and coffee craving Mom says in her loudest whispering yell (??), "Be quiet and eat! Your sister is still asleep!" Quiet ensues for, let's say, 5 seconds before Brody's mouth is again spewing random insults and kindergarten knowledge.

Crap, I'm in the middle of a rant and Soren wakes up. Great. Well, I got a whole hour without her. Evelyn didn't stop talking to me long enough for me to hear a word of my DVR-ed ER episode, but I guess that's what Moms call a lunch break.

Update: I just finished mopping the kitchen floor. The floor is still damp. Jefferson just proceeded to barf under the kitchen table. This is the story of my life.

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