Friday, December 5, 2008

Yes, Dade has a Knife

After I picked the boys up from school today, we needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store. Upon seeing the Amigo's restaurant, Brody promptly asked if we could go out for supper. No, we can't. This was met with the following from Brody, "You never let us go out to eat. I don't care what we have, I'm not eating anything you make." This is quite typical Brody. Colby says he gets it from me, but I don't think even I am that stubborn. I told him that could be arranged - he either eats what I make or nothing at all. He decided to eat.

Anyway, we had the typical Friday night meal of kid-pleasing junk food: pigs in a blanket with fresh veggies on the side. Brody and Evelyn washed the broccoli and cauliflower. Dade chopped veggies and put the piggies in their blankets with the cheese. Evelyn did some dishes, while Soren stuck her broccoli stem in the soapy water and licked it. Yum. While we ate, Soren played her favorite new game: stand up in her highchair and climb onto the table. Evelyn did what she always does: dip everything into her water/milk cup before eating it. And of course, the boys talked about wrestling as Friday Night Smackdown would be on in only an hour. I photographed our family meal preparation, but Brody took the photo of me with the finished product.
Colby comes home tomorrow, and out friends from LeMars are coming to visit. It's so nice of them to make the trip. Their kids are actually good in the car long enough to travel.

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