Monday, December 8, 2008

There's Something About Soren

I've noticed a few things about Soren lately. Besides the fact that she's undeniably the most beautiful one-year-old on the planet, she's also quite quirky, perhaps my quirkiest child.

First of all, she always wants to wear the same pajamas, as you can probably tell from our photos. Maybe they're just cozy.

She loves to pull all Evie's clothes out of the drawers and carry them around. She particularly likes the short-sleeved shirts.

She loves shoes, and as you can tell from the photo above, she even wants to wear them over her favorite footie jammies.

Whenever I want to take her picture, she lays down on the ground and says, "Cheese!" Why she lays down first, I don't know. Please don't tell me she thinks this is her best angle.

She likes to get out fingernail clippers, sit down, and "clip" her nails. She will also file them if one is available.

She gives everyone the same evil "stink eye" whenever they look at her. Anyone who knows her knows what I mean.
There are so many more funny things she does, but I suppose I must put the boys to bed. It's a special night of WWE Raw, so I'm sure that they'll be thrilled when I tell them lights out. Two hours of wrestling is enough for one night, right?

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