Saturday, August 14, 2010


After making plans to get the kids together all summer, my friend Keri and I finally did the kids together the week before school started. Better late than never.

Keri's sons are the same age as Brody and Evie. They have lots of cool toys at their house and a swimming pool in the backyard. Plus, they had cheese balls. The kids can't wait to go back.

Although I'm not sure what parents in their right minds buy their children a drum set, Soren really liked it. She played and played while she sang her favorite tune, Yellow Submarine.

The kids all had a great time in the pool.

Soren is actually a really good swimmer, but she's pretty fearless which requires a little extra vigilance. That meant Keri and I couldn't even break out the margaritas even though it was after noon.

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