Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it a waste?

Yesterday as I was waiting at a stoplight, I saw a large truck pulling a billboard around town supporting Jeff Fortenberry for Congress. Is it really necessary to waste gas and create emissions so that Mr. Fortenberry can campaign? Why not just rent a stationary billboard instead of having one driven around all over? In this time of high fuel prices and increased concerns about global warming, there's no way I'd vote for this guy. I don't know if any other candidates did this, and if they did - shame on them, too. It's worth mentioning that this guy is a Republican. Maybe he thinks global warming is fiction.

We spent the day outside enjoying the warm weather. Colby leaves for Ohio tomorrow for 12 days. We tried to pack as much fun as we could into this weekend to tide him over while he's gone. He gets his swinging bachelor pad with the black leather couch and bigscreen t.v. tomorrow. All he needs is a kegerator and he'd be in man heaven. Make that singke man heaven. Married men like to help their wives aound the house and all that. :)

1 comment:

sully5 said...

Yes, yes it is.