Sunday, November 23, 2008


Soren finds ways to climb up anything and everything, which means she also finds ways to fall off anything and everything! She also just learned how to go down steps, so my life is now filled with yet another realm of horror. I think I spend half my day just pulling her down off of things. She is the poster child for "pick yourself up and try again."
Speak of the devil, Soren just took a header off Evelyn's bed. She can climb up all by herself. I heard a loud thud followed by crying, so I guess she figured a way down, too.
We had a nice visit at my dad's in Seward. The boys and Evie played in the pine trees. Soren went up and down the steps scaring just about everyone along the way.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I like the way that she looks horrified at the interruption from the in, "I was just getting these shelves arranged and then you dropped in." So unexpected.

Also: incredibly cute.