Saturday, March 28, 2009

Freezing My Ass Off in the name of Soccer: All Part of the Mom Resume

Brody's first soccer game was this afternoon, despite the fact that it was 40 degrees with 40 mile an hour winds on the soccer fields. He did a really good job considering that he's never played before, but the Ice got beat 5 to 0. Maybe next time, buddy. He was just happy to get a granola bar and juice box. My mom Marta drove down to freeze her butt off, too. Colby, Dade, and the girls played in the van because it was way too windy. Soren was happy as could be to finally get to play in the van. Next week's game is at 7:00 pm, so I imagine we'll be freezing then, too.

Colby is enjoying time with the kids. He builds towers and plays ball with Soren. He plays a hundred games of Uno with Brody and a hundred games on Wii with Dade. He painted the girls' fingernails again. I got a haircut and Moolatte today, so all in all everyone has had a fine day.

I have an additional quote of the week to add today:
Colby to the boys: Stop sword fighting with your celery!

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