Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Times Are Changing

Although I'm just over 30, my life has been filled with a whole lifetime worth of stuff: college, marriage, unemployment, moving, and of course babies, babues, babies. Colby and I have done lots of things in our 20s that modern folks don't start until their 30s. What started as a high school romance is now a house full of kids headed by a successful (the youngest in Farmland Foods and working the most successful plant in the company, ahem) Human Resourses Manager and a Feminist turned soccer mom. For the past 8 years our home has been filled with the pitter patter of little feet. I spent the better part of my 20s nursing babies, birthing babies, and wiping asses. That, my friends, is about to change.

On Thursday my hubby is getting a vasectomy. The Vescapades baby factory is closing, not a victim to troubled economic times, but because this Mama enjoys her life of leisure

At first I thought a vasectomy was too permanent, taking it too far. I mean, we are only in our early 30s, and we have a lot of time left on our biological clocks. That all changed after being around all my mom friends with little babies. Seriously people, did you ever realize how much freakin' work babies are?? How in the hell did I survive having little children, especially with my husband gone for months at a time?? I don't know.

I do know this: my life is, frankly, fucking awesome, and a baby would really cramp my style. It may sound selfish, but for the first time in 10 years I think I totally deverve a little selfishness.

1 comment:

Stacy said...


I trust that some ice packs have been carefully prepared!

Verify is torngs, which is a surgical device, I believe.