Sunday, January 9, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church and Why God Hates Them

Caution: lots of swearing. I mean lots. My blood is boiling just typing it. Go to this website and you will see a photo of a little child all bundled up in the cold in Lincoln, NE, holding a sign that says, "You are Going to Hell." I'm warning you, though, that viewing the website is kind of like staring at a horrible wreck: it's so bad, but you just can't look away. You might know the Westboro Baptist Church gang better from their protesting of military funerals holding signs that say "God Hates Fags!" The picketing of the funerals of fallen soldiers is apparently done to bring light to the "fact" that God is spiting our military because Americans don't stone gays to death. I really don't know. Whatever the reason for such vile words, I can understand that picketing at a military funeral can send a message that one's group dislikes what the government is doing. I get that.

However, the Westboro group is ready to protest not only the funeral of the assistant principal gunned down at her Omaha school this week (apparently because Omaha has fallen into the hands of Satan), but they will also be picketing the funerals of those gunned down in Arizona yesterday.

Including the funeral of a 9-year-old murder victim.

I support our Constitutional right to say stupid shit. In fact, I am taking full advantage of said right at this very moment. I support your right to hold a sign that says God Hates Fags. I respect one's right to form a "religion" based on one's belief that fucking someone in the ass is enough to burn in hell for all eternity. But I can tell you this: if one of these "Christians" showed up at my child's funeral spewing their hateful bullshit, it would take a lot more than Satan himself to keep me from finding out if Nebraska would electrocute a mom of 4 for the murder of a group of fucking idiots. Seriously.

It seems to me that the Westboro Baptist Church is really a church of gun-violence advocates. Not only that, but I find it indefensible to use religion to oppress anyone or to use it as an excuse to hurt/kill people. The name and will of God have been used throughout history to justify so much cruelty, oppression, and murder. It's quite sad that despite Christianity's teachings of love, forgiveness, brotherhood, and kindness, there are still fucking idiots out there shamefully using God as a weapon.

For that reason alone, I'm pretty sure God hates Westboro Baptist Church.

I'm proud to be a "fag-enabling" American raising 4 little "fag-enablers." Dang, I think I need to turn that into a bumper sticker.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

My money is on you vs. Fred Phelps any day!