Friday, September 11, 2009

Trying to Eat Less Corporate Food, a.k.a. Making Food That Takes an Hour to Prepare and 7 Minutes to Consume

In an attempt to continue to curb our consumption of processed food (or corporate food, thanks Stacy), I took 4 chicken breasts, cut them into chunks with my dull-ass knives, then breaded them and fried them in canola oil on the stove top. I paired the chicken with roasted potatoes with my usual olive oil, salt, garlic, and Parmesan cheese. Here are the two problems with my avoidance of corporate food:

1. Seriously, this makes a lot of dishes and a huge mess. Three pie plates needed to flour, egg, and seasoned flour the chicken. Dutch oven needed to fry them. Plate to put them on after they've been cooked to soak up some grease. Cutting board and knives used to cut them up in the first place. Dish I put the chicken in to thaw in the refrigerator. The list goes on and on. Compare this to corporate chicken: piece of foil on the cookie sheet that I just throw away after I'm done. That's it. By the time I was done there was grease splatter and flour everywhere. All this while 2 sick little girls whined at me for the f-ing hour and a half it took to do all of this.

2. After all my hard work, food was consumed in all of 10 minutes. I hadn't even sat down to eat (I was still frying nuggets) by the time the kids were done. Plus, the house smelled of fried chicken for 2 days even with the windows open.

Really, instead of feeling good about making something homemade for my family I just felt tired, greasy, and let down. Don't get me wrong, my family eats mostly homemade items. Don't even get me started on their requests for Pop Tarts and Hamburger Helper. However, I think I'll stick to the processed chicken nuggets and thank the lord I wasn't a housewife 75 years ago.

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