Since the passage of the health care bill I've been hearing on t.v. and seeing on Facebook a lot of people who are obviously disconnected from reality. I also read that 13 State Attorneys General are involved in a lawsuit fighting the law's constitutionality. Although "Obamacare" isn't perfect, it is definitely a start. We could've continued down a road that told the insurance companies to continue screwing us. We could've left America has one of the only civilized countries that didn't help provide health care to its citizens. We could've said, "Hey, my insurance is fine. Screw you and your uninsured ass." But we didn't.
I'm hearing people complain that they will now have to pay for other people's abortions. #1: if your insurance company currently covers abortions then you are already paying for other people's abortions. #2: under Obama's plan, if you don't want to pay for other people's abortions then you have the option to switch to a plan that doesn't cover anyone's abortions. SO SHUT UP ABOUT PAYING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S ABORTION.
I'm hearing people complain that illegal immigrants will benefit from this plan. Right, like none of us ever benefits from the labor and taxes paid by hard working immigrants both legal and illegal. Sixty nine cents for a head of lettuce?? Thanks, Jose and Maria. Honestly, if this plan will cover the children of illegal immigrants, pregnant illegals, sick illegals, it's fine with me. I'd rather see them healthy and not passing god knows what on to my kids. Plus, they're humans and deserve some dignity.
I'm hearing people complain that, "Now I have to pay for all these lazy-asses who don't want to get a job." Want?? How about CAN'T FIND A F-ING JOB! Seriously? Do unemployed people not deserve basic health care? Obviously these nay-sayers would rather continue to pay for Mr. Wall Street's boner pills than give a dime to a "lazy-ass."
I'm also hearing people say that Americans are now being forced to buy goods/services. How un-American! Well, we're also forced to buy roads, police officers, mail carriers, snow removal, libraries, and Dick Cheney's boner pills. (Side note: I'm not sure where the boner pill angst is coming from. I have all respect in the world for boner pills.) We tell Americans all the time who they can/can't sell goods to. How is it different to tell them that they must buy into a system that will directly benefit them? It's like telling someone they have to buy water. Speaking of which, the whole clean water thing? Government does that. If people expect to be able to walk into an emergency room and not be refused care, then we ALL need to take responsibilty for that fact that we may someday need that service and pay for the damn thing. It's accountability, people. Make insurance affordable, expand Medicare/Medicaid, and people will have no excuse not to be accountable for paying their own way. Plus, they'll be healthier.
I just hope that we can work together to make a healthier nation. If we could all work together and encourage our friends and neighbors to eat better and exercise more we would all save on health costs.