Monday, March 22, 2010

My How You've Grown

Sixteen years ago a baby was born. He was cute, but he cried and cried and cried. He would be crying when I left for school, and he would still be crying when I got home. As he grew, he ate a lot and puked if he ran too hard. As a toddler, he would sit naked on the steps with one hand in his nose and the other on his crotch. He would sit on the toilet gagging at his own smell and ask whoever passed by to "turn on the fan!" He would tell jokes that weren't funny. He would mooch all my food. He talked nonsense and asked me to get him "bubby" (ice cream, but who would've guessed?).

Not much has changed.

Happy 16th birthday to my "little" brother Alex!

Oh, and HAHAHAHAHA. I got a car when I turned sixteen. Eat that sucka.

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