Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Soren!

I can't believe my baby is three. Of course, I will never forget the night she was born, but the pain of the moment is vastly overshadowed by elation. Her birth was the end of a pretty bad spell in our lives and the beginning of our new life in Lincoln. When she was born, we were nearly 30 years old and living with our three kids in my parents' house. Two weeks after Soren's birth we were in our own home setting down roots and enjoying our new flower.

I found this photo of Soren, with her dark hair that faded to blonde, at about six months old.

For her birthday dinner we went to Cracker Barrel. She wanted a burger, as usual, but ended up eating mostly other people's food (as usual). While we waited for our food, Soren sat by her favorite person in the world and sang BINGO a few (hundred) times..

She also got a birthday phone call from Grandpa Dean.

When will the food get here???

She got a free sundae, but I had to take Evie to the bathroom during supper (as usual...she always has to poop during supper. Always.), so I didn't get to watch her enjoy it.

After supper we went to Toys R Us where Soren got to pick out a special present. She picked a baby Belle.

Her big party at Chuck E. Cheese awaits her on Sunday. She can't wait to see everyone and maybe open a few presents.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

OMG, that picture of Soren and the doll baby made my ovaries hurt. Happy Birthday to your baby!