Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Our Halloween morning began with a family photo session at Pioneers Park. It was a bit chilly, but we made due. You may notice a few red cheeks and noses when you see the pictures. The kids loved feeding the geese and ducks, and the scenery was beautiful.

Later in the day, I made dirt cups with Oreo cookies, pudding, and whipped cream. Yum yum! Evelyn was apparently really excited about them.

Sara and Travis brought the kids over to trick-or-treat with us. After our meal of Hallowienies (hot dogs) and festive orange-colored veggies(carrots and orange peppers), the kids got all dressed up.

Dade was a vampire. He went along mainly to help the other kids, but he came home with a bunch of candy, too. It's hard to believe he's too old to trick-or-treat!

Brody was Spiderman. It's a good thing we had the costume already on hand from a previous year because the Boba Fett we bought him was a little short in the legs and unsuitable to be worn outside in the cold.

Evelyn was a kitten again. We unsuccessfully tried to convince her to be Boba Fett.

Soren was a Ninja Turtle. She actually wore the shell for the whole trip out. I was very impressed.

Gavin was a hockey player. His missing teeth worked out just perfectly.

Little Miss Reese was a fairy. Her Grandma Cindy made the costume. Grandma Cindy was diagnosed with terminal cancer about a week ago, so it's a very special costume.

Here's our "little" group of trick-or-treaters.

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