Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As you can imagine with a family of 6, I spend a lot of time at the grocery store. To spend $700 a month on groceries/diapers/shampoo isn't hard. I think I spend about $30 per month on milk alone. This morning's trip to Super Target was planned just as any other: list neatly organized, coupons sorted by department, and stroller removed from back of van. I had also planned for the other usual Target moments: getting a snack at the food bar before shopping, Soren pooping, Evie begging for High School Musical fruit snacks. However, today's shopping trip was unusually awful.

First of all, neither of the girls would sit in the ginormous two-seater cart thingy to eat her snack. Soren insisted on standing on the seat. She's already gotten a huge goose egg on her forehead from aforementioned activity, but I guess she's not one to give up. Before I even had 4 items in the cart Soren had dropped her Icee and half of her fruit snacks on the floor. I needed to buy Father's Day cards, and Soren needed to pull every card at toddler level out of its rightful place. Both girls ran off, but I just walk away and hope they catch up. I always know where they are from the sound of yelling and flip flops.

In the end, we were there for an hour and a half. Soren didn't poo, thank goodness. Evie got her High School Musical fruit snacks. I still had my sanity, or at least enough to get me through the car ride home. The Hannah Montana c.d. playing in the van didn't help matters, but at least it's better than Soren bawling the whole way home. Or is it???

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Just think: now that summer is here, you can take all 4 kids to Target at once. Joy!

rhing: as in the treat jewels to be obtained from a gumball machine.