Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back in the Day

I've been posting old photos to my facebook page because I love to remind everyone of the lame old days of high school. You could not pay me to relive high school, even though my experience was pretty pleasant. All the pressure of studying, working, dating, partying. . . yuck. When you're young you always want to be older, and when you're old you want those days back. As my 30th birthday draws near, I think I've finally reached a happy place in life. I realize that growing older is a blessing and that days cannot be taken for granted. Sure, I miss going to prom and worrying about little more than what color to dye my hair. But my life is so much more complex now, like comparing a grape to a glass of wine. We need the experiences of youth to be the building block for a rich and fulfilling adulthood. We carry with us always remnants of our teenage years. . . some of us marry them. This blog photo is Colby and me in 1997, probably just days before or after I graduated from high school.

1 comment:

Colby31 said...

I have to agree with you about going back and doing high school all over. I enjoyed everything that I did. Did I make mistakes and there were things I would do differently. I can't change these things and it doesn't do any good to dwel on them. I truly feel that you are as young as you feel. I still feel that I could go to prom and drink all night. I have the expeirence now that tells me not to drink all night and the only way I am going to the prom is a Chapprone for my kids. I like looking back and remembering how I started out and where those times have gotten me. I am in a good place in my life. If I can survive both Missouri and Ohio I can do anything.

I like how Stacey puts these words to use. The word verification this time is coaltril - I thinks it means the coal dust mixed with a miners sweat.