Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm in Love With a Stripper

Today is Wednesday, which means the girls and I were off to the library for storytime. While Evelyn sat quietly and listened to the songs and story, Soren stood in the middle of the circle of grown-ups and kids and attempted to first remove her pants and then her shirt. Never one to shy away from making a scene, Soren proved to me today that she has a future in the exotic industries. A couple of other moms even pointed it out to me, "Hey, did you know she's taking off her pants?" Yes, but at least she's not trying to set off the fire alarm like that other kid. Are you telling his mom about about that???

As we were in the library lobby getting coats on, Soren proved to me that she can operate those handicapped buttons to open the doors automatically. She pushed the button for the inside door, squeezed through the opening, pushed the button for the outside door, tasted freedom but was intercepted by a running Mommy yelling, "Get back here you little crap!" Argh.

Update: I heard Soren saying, "Mom," from my bedroom where she was napping. I walked in to find a bare naked butt shooting up out of my blanket, a diaper thrown on the floor, a toddler laying in a puddle of pee on my mattress. Nice.