Monday, February 9, 2009

I've Got a Headache This BIG and It's Screaming for, well, Something

I've been suffering with chronic headaches for awhile now. Thinking that they're probably stress-related I have been avoiding a trip to the doctor. The headaches aren't severe, just constant and annoying. I have finally given in and will call Dr. Hottie, um Dr. Glenn, tomorrow. Partly I'm embarrassed to go and have him tell me that it's just tension and stress. Partly I'm worried I have some frightening underlying condition. I've become somewhat of a hypochondriac in recent years, just waiting for some debilitating disease to strike me down. It doesn't help that I a) watch House all the time and see all these weird illnesses, and b) that I look every symptom up on WebMD secretly hoping to diagnose myself.

I generally see myself as an optimist and an idealist, but I often have this morbid feeling inside, like an impending sense of doom. I don't like to leave the kids with people because I fear I'll die in a car accident on the way back from the grocery store or something. Better we all die together, I guess. Seriously, I have this thought process. Is this depression? A tumor? Normal? Whatever it is, hopefully a visit with Dr. Hottie, um Glenn, will yield some answers.

1 comment:

Colby31 said...

I think we need to talk about you and me finding an old man or woman to be our family doctor. I have had enough of the hot doctor business. I am just kidding. I am worried about you and it kills me that I am not there with you. I want to take care of you and to make you all better. No more joking about the diseases and dying on the way to the store. I don't know what I would do with out you and the kids. I am going crazy just thinking of all the things I miss being away for 12 days. I can not handle for always. I guess you could say I am a little depressed as well. I have three and a half days until I get to hold all of my family again. It is the only thing that keeps me going. I love you.