Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Family Game Night

In a previous blog I spilled the beans about my inability to play board games because of my poor sportsmanship. Colby loves to play board games with the kids, even though someone usually ends up in tears. He played a few rounds of Candyland with Evelyn and Brody. Colby never wins at Candyland, and this weekend was no exception. He then played a game of Sorry! with Dade. While he was off changing a dirty diaper, the game was forgotten and mayhem ensued. As is common around here, the boys decided to play Wrestlemania at the table. The game eventually ended, and no one cried. I'm not sure who won, though.

Then, as a special request for his upcoming birthday, Brody wanted Shirley Temples for snack time. Supersaver had to open the liquor section of the market that morning (Sunday) just to get the grenadine so we could make them. I dusted off the whiskey glasses and filled them with maraschino cherries, soda, and grenadine. The kids were pleased.

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