Sunday, January 4, 2009

Worst Christmas Gift

It has been a slow news day here at the Vesely house. So, I would like to take this opportunity to give out the award for the worst Christmas present given to me this year. I'm sorry to say this, but my lovely husband Colby is the winner of this year's award. He so thoughtfully gave me two bear figurines: one is a devil with a boner, and the other is a scantily clad school girl/dominatrix. He had me open these in front of his family on Christmas Eve. Thanks, honey. I have a great sense of humor, don't get me wrong. There isn't too much, no matter how crass or inappropriate, that I won't laugh at. People falling down - love it. Guys getting kicked in the crotch - classic. Cat burning his whiskers on a lit candle - hilarious. Sexually oriented bear figurines unwrapped in front of Grandpa and Grandma - not funny.

He also got me some perfume that I like and a handmade soup bowl. But, alas, this Christmas may be the one remembered for the inappropriate bear figurines. Keep that in mind for next year, Dear.

I'd be interested to hear anyone else's worst Christmas gift stories. Birthday presents, too. My Dad and Step mom gave me an alarm clock for my 18th birthday. Just what I always wanted.

They say it's the thought that counts with gift giving. Sometimes, it's the lack of thought that really makes a gift memorable.


Stacy said...

I'm thinking that next year you should give Colby a list of approved gifts.

Though the bears are sort of cute. Until you get to explain them to the kids. Then: not so cute.

Anonymous said...

my favorite xmas story to tell...It was back when you and Colby started dating...long time i was like 9 or something and my grandparents had a huge present wrapped up with my name on it, I was totally stoked. Just then Nichole decided to tell me this story of when she was younger she got a big box like that too for xmas and it was a sleeping bag and she was disappointed. Finally when I got to open my big present, I was thinking that it was going to be something way cooler than a sleeping bag...i opened it...and what do you know...i got a FREAKIN SLEEPING BAG! Thanks Cole!! You totally jinxed me!