Friday, January 23, 2009


Last night as I was tucking Brody into bed, he said in a sweet voice, "I have to tell you something. When we were at the park today, I fell on something and hit my nuts and some big kids laughed at me." I said, "Well, honey, that's what big kids do." Colby pointed out later that's what anyone would do. I guess he's right. Anyone who has ever watched an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos knows that a crotch shot is always good for a laugh. Brody is like me in that he generally takes pleasure in other people's misfortune. I always laugh when people fall down or when Colby takes a shoe to the junk during a jostle with the kids. That's my nature. I'm hoping that Brody realizes that if you laugh at others' misfortunes, they're probably going to laugh at yours. That's karma.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You Nebraskans have a libertarian cruel streak.